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Silent Madness (1984 One Sheet Poster) - $60 - (Charles Town, WV)

Silent Madness in 3D (1984 One Sheet Poster) A psychiatrist (Belinda Montgomery) poses as an ex-sorority sister to stop a slasher freed by a computer error. Silent Madness is a 1984 American 3D slasher filmdirected by Simon Nuchtern and starring Belinda Montgomery, Viveca Lindfors, Sydney Lassick, with Solly Marx as psychotic killer Howard Johns. One of the later films in the 1980s 3D revival, Silent Madness was filmed with the ArriVision 3D camera system.

Silent Madness (1984 One Sheet Poster)


Posted in Charles Town, WV, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago