State University of New York College for Teachers at Buffalo 1957 Elms Yearbook - $4 - (Canandaigua, NY)
end_display_feedback_code_window State University of New York College for Teachers at Buffalo yearbook was purchased at an estate sale. Vintage yearbook is in good condition and appears to be unused (no writing). Please carefully review the listing photos to draw your own conclusions about the condition and value of this item. If you have specific questions, please feel free to ask them. Based upon your assessment, please feel free to make a reasonable Best Offer for this item. Whenever possible, we will ship multiple items purchased and paid for on the same day together. When multiple items are shipped together, we will combine and reduce the shipping costs. This is not always possible, as some items are too large, heavy or fragile to be shipped with other items. As a customer, your satisfaction is our highest priority. We strive to describe accurately, price fairly and ship both quickly and securely. If upon receipt of this item you have any problems, issues or concerns, please contact us immediately so that we can work out a mutually satisfactory solution. FREE! Sellers: Add a FREE map to your listings. FREE! Froo | Froo Cross Sell, Free Cross Sell, Cross promote, eBay Marketing, eBay listing Apps, eBay Apps, eBay Application

From - 1 month ago