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QA Automation Engineer - Windsor - (Windsor, CT)

Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., a global Fortune 1000 company and one of Forbes 2017 America s Best Large Employers, is transforming the way we all do business. From smart office technology and information management to cloud, mobility and IT services, we have a rich history of creating the products and services necessary to drive innovation and make work possible from anywhere at any time. Our award-winning products and solutions help companies around the world move information faster, improve quality and productivity, enhance security and facilitate the sharing of information. We are proud that our portfolio leads the industry while exceeding environmental standards. At Konica Minolta, you'll work for an amazing technology company with growth opportunities, great benefits and talented, passionate co-workers. Position Objective


Posted in Windsor, CT, Technical Support
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago