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Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60"X104" Organdy Applique Oblong Floral USA - $15 - (Trinidad, TX)

Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60"X104" Organdy Applique Oblong Floral Town & Country Linen Lace Look Vytex 100% Deluxe Vinyl. Wipe clean with a damp cloth. Machine washable and machine dryable. The package says that this table cloth fits tables 28" x 50" to 40" x 90". Pulled it out of the package to take photos. Otherwise this item has never been removed from the package. I noticed a little spot that was discolored and took a picture of it. Small spot about maybe the size of a quarter and I sprayed some cleaner on it and it lightened up so I believe it is going to come out. I can't even see it now so I got most if not all of it off. Just thought I wanted to mention it just in case. I like to be up front on everything that I can think of. It has been in storage for a long time. The letters on the package have faded some.

Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60
Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60
Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60
Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60
Vintage Vinyl Vytex Tablecloth 60


Posted in Trinidad, TX, Household Items
From - 1 month ago