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Data Entry Specialist - (Contoocook, NH)

Mommy Jobs On-line is now recruiting Data Entry Specialists to work remotely. This is an entry level opportunity for the right person to work part or full time to earn income. If you have clerical or administrative skills then we will like to talk to you! Job summary: You will need to be able to copy and paste (ctrl + c and ctrl + v) various entries into a spreadsheet, such as names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and return entries back to our HR Department. via email each week. You must be able toggle back and forth from web sites. Must have great accuracy and pay close attention to detail. Must be able to send out email notification letters to customers regarding products or services. You must be able to use a general email client (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook) for sending out our email marketing ads. Background and Requirements: You must have strong management expertise and a positive motivated attitude to get the job done! Internet Computer Quiet home office space setup


Posted in Contoocook, NH, Administrative & Office
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago