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Flat For Rent In Pocatello, Id - $275 - (Pocatello, ID)

S third Ave, Pocatello Unit is a 2 BEDROOMs one Bathrooms duplex including entire top floor of "vintage" home. Landlord lives on premises. There is a current female roommate who works full time. Newer appliances, mattresses, carpets. WiFi available. Big exterior antenna for TELEVISION reception. Very efficient gas wall furnace for winter and efficient swamp cooler for summer. Adequate parking, garden space, trees flowers patio barbeque available. Free laundry. two blocks to Idaho State University and Albertsons supermarket. The landlord is handsome, jovial, artistic and old and would love to have you come live on his top floor. Lease Information: owner pays water sewer garbag. tenant pay est $25 gas/electric.No smoking vaping pets For more info:

Flat For Rent In Pocatello, Id


Posted in Pocatello, ID, Shared Housing
From RealtyWW - 1 month ago