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Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift - $19 - (Goldsboro, NC)

Antique beauty! Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Figurine of Child Praying with Mother 1879-1885. German I am no expert with regard to identifying figurine marks and would defer to such an expert of course. A brief investigation of the mark, specifically the presence of the G with arrow and the “DEP” and the absence of a “crown” resulted in my conclusion that this is a product of the Porzellanfabrik Unger, Schneider & Cie. factory in Grafenthal, Germany and was made between 1879 and 1885. I based this on the information you will find below. If you go to that website you can see the 5.25" tall Highly collectible and beautiful heirloom. This is your chance! great gift! _________________________ Based on a ducal concession, the businessman Carl Schneider (who had worked at the Wallendorf factory for some time) together with modelling artist Karl Unger and businessman Hermann Hutschenreuther founded their business in 1859. As was a sleeping partner, his name does not appear in the company name until 1885. At first the company only produced tableware, miniature sets for children and a few kitchen utensils, mostly decorated in the cobalt blue 'Zwiebel-' and 'Strohblumenmuster' styles which sometimes included gilding. But unlike many other facilities they did not simply copy existing designs but rather used their own creativity and started with export fairly early, which was soon rewarded as the first international award was received 1875 at the Exposición Internacional de Chile (Santiago World Fair). The success also showed a problem as the first marks that had been used looked similar to the marks used earlier by the factory in Gießhübel. This lead to the introduction of the first mark that actually was used continuously, the impressed and uncrowned 'G' mark with the double-headed arrow which was used from 1875 onwards. Following the increasing popula…

Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift
Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift
Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift
Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift
Gorgeous Grafenthal artist Carl Schneider Antique Porcelain Fig 1879-1985 Gift


Posted in Goldsboro, NC, Antiques
From - 1 month ago