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544 Results for For sale in Wilson Ks

3 Framed Photographs 1943 Iceland WWII Photographs by Lewis Carroll Hendrix

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
1931 Fisher Price Pop Up Kritter Wood Bead Pluto

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
early 1900's Culver  Kansas IOOF Oddfellows Lodge 649 Ribbon Badge

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
early 1900's Ellsworth  Kansas MWA Modern Woodmen Camp No 5673 Ribbon Badge

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
2 Old Mill's ? Slot Machine Gold Award Tokens

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
Vintage LASKO Footstool Fan Blue Blades Model ? 3152 HASSOCK FAN Japan

Fan works on all three speeds. It is from an estate, and has some wear from use. It also could use a good thourough cleaning. It is 13" tall, and 15" in diameter. Please review the pictures for condition.

1 month ago on
Sweetgrass basket & lid ethnic hand made origin unknown Africa vingage

Vintage ethnic sweetgrass basket (likely African). Uncertain of origin. Fine detailed handwork particularly on the bottom Handcrafted and fragrant From an estate of world travelers who spent considerable time in Afr…

1 month ago on
Khokhloma Russia wood canister jar lid lacquered hand made 9

Khokhloma Russia wood canister jar lid lacquered hand made Khokhloma 9" tall It is 9" tall with lid and approximately 5 12" wide The canister has not been used but has a little light storage scuff The decorations ar…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch