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4232 Results for For sale in Washington Nc

Grey Mare Mule Rides and Drives

view video at Here is a 12 yr old 15.2 stout Draft Mare Mule. She is more forward than a typical dr…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Extra Quiet Beginner Mule Rides and Drives

view video at Here is a 12yr old fourteen hand stocky mare mule that anyone can ride and is also broke to drive. This mule is sup…

1 month ago on Equine Now
American Paint Pony

Holly is an awesome American Paint 14.1 hands pony and around fourteen year old and nice jumper. Holly has taught my daughter incredible riding skills. She is adorable and a very sociable mare. This mare helped my 1…

1 month ago on Equine Now
2003 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE

2003 GMC Sierra 1500 HD SLE Crew Cab Shortbed 4x4 runs and drives great with only 15,728 miles.For more pictures and details please text me at 252-284-1388.

1 month ago on Classified Ads
4 Horse straight load trialer

4 horse straight load large storage on top and underneath solid floors lights work comes with new spare tire clean title in hand

1 month ago on Equine Now
ISO Horse for English walk trot and leisurely trail rides

I am in search of a horse to do light ring riding English and to go out on trail rides alone or in a small group. 13hh and up. If horse has been ridden Western with direct reins that would work too. Must be sound li…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Honest Haflinger Gelding Rides and Drives

view video at Here is Zeb a 9yr 14 hand haflinger gelding that is well broke to ride and drive. He…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Spotted Draft Filly

This is a 19 mon old spotted draft filly that stands 15.2. She has been driven double. This mare is gentle and has her whole life ahead of her. She has been worked with the black colt shown in pics. He is also for sale. Located in Bath NC she is priced at 2500…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Guard Patch