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7776 Results for For sale in Troy Va


WALT DISNEY'S PICNIC PARTY 7 (1956) GIANT (DELL) Golden Age   avg grade 4.0 vg add 3 items to your shopping cart and get 5$ off each when you pay for them as one order ##OFFER DOES NOT INCLUDE BEST OFFERS###

1 month ago on
Dennis The Menace 6 Issue Vintage Comics Lot Run Set Collection fawcett rare

This listing is for a sweet collection of dennis the menace by various publishers from the 1960's and 1970's. This lot includes issues 103, 114, Dennis the Menace follow the leader, way out stories, Around the Clock…

1 month ago on
Walter lantz andy panda 19 20 lot dell vg 4.0 condition golden age cartoon comic

This listing is for 2 golden age cartoon comics grading around 4.0 vg condition. add 3 items to your shopping cart and get 5$ off each when you pay for them as one order ##OFFER DOES NOT INCLUDE BEST OFFERS###

1 month ago on
walter lantz woody woodpecker 34 37 48 61 golden age cartoon comics lot dell set

This listing is for 4 sweet golden age woody woodpecker comics grading in 2.0 g to 4.0 vg due to water damage or other major defects. add 3 items to your shopping cart and get 5$ off each when you pay for them as one order ##OFFER DOES NOT INCLUDE BEST OFFERS###…

1 month ago on
Walt disney's scamp lot 10 15 four color 777 golden age cartoon 3 issue run set

This listing is for 3 golden age issues of walt disneys scamp #'s 10, 15, & four color 777 grading between 2.0g and 4.0 vg out of 10 condition as they have water damage.add 3 items to your shopping cart and get 5$ off each when you pay for them as one order ##OFFER DOES NOT INCLUDE BEST OFFERS###…

1 month ago on
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 95 dell 1948 Golden age carl barks art donald

This listing is for a sweet copy of walt disney comics and stories 95 by dell from 1948. Sadly it grades low as it has bends tears water damage it is missing the cover and other defects. See pics and judge for yourself.…

1 month ago on
Felix The Cat #47 toby press 1953 messmer comics golden age funny animal cartoon

This listing is for a sweet copy of felix the cat #47 by toby press from 1953. Sadly it grades low as it has bends tears water damage writing on the cover the cover is detached Browning and brittleness from age a mu…

1 month ago on
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies #73 Dell comics 1947 golden age bugs bunny

This listing is for a sweet copy of looney tunes 73 by dell from 1947. Sadly it grades low as it has bends tears water damage the cover is missing and other defects. See pics and judge for yourself.

1 month ago on
Police Challenge Coin