60558 Results for For sale in Temple Pa
This is a 2012 Leeboy 8515B asphalt paver, Kubota diesel, propane heat, 8' to 15' Legend screed, rubber tracks, 3097 hours, in good running and operating condition. Nice paver. Pa. sales tax applies to Pa. taxable r…
1 month ago on ebay.comThis a 2006 Terex TA30 Articulated End Dump Truck, Cummins Diesel Powered, with 6864 hours, new arrival to my yard. I have my mechanics checking it out and will know more shortly. Priced right. Pa. sales tax applies…
1 month ago on ebay.comComing in 2005 Cat 315CL excavator 5800 hours. Runs great, One owner, from local contractor, manual thumb, more pictures to come. $54900. + tax Financing Available call or text 610-704-6177Shipping
1 month ago on ebay.comhotLOGIX Humidified Holding Cabinet-Logix10 Series, 3/4 height, electronic controls, forced air heat with water reservoir, autofill water connection, capacity (28) 12" x 20" or (14) 18" x 26" pans, universal slides,…
1 month ago on ebay.comThis a 2008 Leeboy 685B articulating motor grader, Cab, A/C, Heat, 10' moldboard, Cummins Diesel Powered, with only 6925 hours, in good running and operating condition. Pa. sales tax applies to Pa. taxable residents…
1 month ago on ebay.com2004 John Deere 655C Series 2 Crawler Loader, Cab, a/c, heat, good u/c, in very good original condition. GP bucker with teeth. Pa. sales tax applies to Pa. taxable residents. Check my feedback rating and bid with co…
1 month ago on ebay.com2015 svl90-2 cab heat ac hi flow hydraulic coupler 2 speed warranty. 11/ 17 36 hours like new 717-587-5282
1 month ago on ebay.com