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3939 Results for For sale in Powell Tx

Ft Hill Anderson South Carolina Vintage 1950's Federal Glass Tumblers Blue White

This is a lot of 8 vintage 1950's Glass Tumblers made by the Federal Company, they have the Shield and F mark on the base. These are the clear color glass with the blue and white design, Ft Hill is on one Side and A…

1 month ago on
1940's Anchor Hocking Fire King Glass Sapphire Blue Philbe Roll Edg Mix Bowl Med

This vintage item dates to the 1940's and was made by the Anchor Hocking Glass, it is the Sapphire Blue Philbe Pattern rolled edge mixing bowl. This measures 3-1/2" X 8-1/2" and is in good condition.

1 month ago on
Vintage Juice Size Georgian Panel Design Water Tumbler Lot Emerald Green Glass

This is a lot of 8 juice size Georgian pattern tumblers with the panel design base area in the Emerald Green colored glass. Each measures 3" X 4" and all are in good condition.

1 month ago on
Vintage 1950's Bryce Glass El Rancho Gold Yellow Color Light Lamp Shade Rare one

This super rare item dates to the 1950's and was made by the Bryce Glass Company. This is the El Rancho pattern in the Gold color yellow glass. This is the Lamp shape for a hurricane lamp, ceiling fixture or wall sc…

1 month ago on
Hazel Atlas Glasw 1930's Cobalt Blue Aurora Pattern Bread and Butter Plate

This vintage cobalt/Ritz blue glass plate dates to the 1930's and was made by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company, it is the Aurora pattern bread and butter plate. This measures 6-5/8" across and is in good condition.

1 month ago on
Vintage 1930's LE Smith Glass Pink Color Pebbled Rim Ruffled Console Bowl

This vintage item dates to the late 1930's and was made by the LE Smith Glass Company, it is the Pebbled Rim depression pattern in pink. This large size bowl measures 3-1/2" X 9" at the widest and is in good condition. There are a few pulled up points on the bowl from the shaping shears when made, but no damages.…

1 month ago on
The Hermitage Nashville Tennessee Vintage 1950's Federal Glass Tumbler Bl/Wht #2

This is a vintage 1950's Glass Tumblers made by the Federal Company, it has the Shield and F mark on the base. This is the clear color glass with the blue and white design, The Hermitage Nashville, Tenn and on the reverse is the hats design. This measures 2-5/8" X 4-3/4" and is in good condition.…

1 month ago on
The Hermitage Nashville Tennessee Vintage 1950's Federal Glass Tumbler Bl/Wht #1

This is a vintage 1950's Glass Tumblers made by the Federal Company, it has the Shield and F mark on the base. This is the clear color glass with the blue and white design, The Hermitage Nashville, Tenn and on the reverse is the hats design. This measures 2-5/8" X 4-3/4" and is in good condition.…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch