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3939 Results for For sale in Powell Tx

Ancient EGYPT EGYPTIAN ANTIQUES STATUE, of King Amenhotep III and Queen Stone BC

ANCIENT EGYPT EGYPTIAN ANTIQUES STATUE OF KING AMENHOTEP III AND QUEEN STONE 1386-1349 BCEThis Is a Vintage Era Statue Carved Circa 1955's from Old Limestone in the Luxor Region of Egypt. It Is Hand Carved by Skille…

1 month ago on
Circa 1920's Hazel Atlas Glass Clear Color Snuff Jar Bottle Container Tumbler #3

This vintage item dates to the late 1920's/early 1930's and is the Hazel Atlas Glass Snuff container Jar/Bottle / Tumbler in clear and it measures 2-7/8" X 3-3/4" and is slightly cone shaped. This is in excellent condition.…

1 month ago on
Vintage 1970's Kanawha Glass Amber satin Pleated Design Ruffled Top Vase

This dates to the 1970's and was made in West Virginia by the Kanawha Glass Company. This is the golden amber satin finish vase with the ruffled top edge. This measures 3-1/2" X 5" and is in excellent condition.

1 month ago on
Circa 1920's Hazel Atlas Glass Clear Color Snuff Jar Bottle Container Tumbler #1

This vintage item dates to the late 1920's/early 1930's and is the Hazel Atlas Glass Snuff container Jar/Bottle / Tumbler in clear and it measures 2-7/8" X 3-3/4" and is slightly cone shaped. This is in excellent condition.…

1 month ago on
Circa 1930's Anchor Hocking Glass Small Favor Vase Bars and Dots Design Pattern

This vintage item dates to the 1930's and is the small cabinet or favor vase in the clear color, it was made by the Anchor Hocking Glass Company. This measures 3-1/2' X 4-3/4" and is in good condition.

1 month ago on
Vintage Clear color Geometirc Cube Design Glass Hat Stand Holder for Small Size

This is the vintage glass hat stand in the cube design/pattern and in the clear color glass. This measures 5-1/2" X 5-1/2" and is in good condition, no damage or issues. This will hold the smaller ladies hats, not like a cowboy hat or something like that.…

1 month ago on
Circa 1920's Hazel Atlas Glass Clear Color Snuff Jar Bottle Container Tumbler #2

This vintage item dates to the late 1920's/early 1930's and is the Hazel Atlas Glass Snuff container Jar/Bottle / Tumbler in clear and it measures 2-7/8" X 3-3/4" and is slightly cone shaped. This is in excellent condition.…

1 month ago on
Circa 1930's Hazel Altas Glass Royal Lace Pattern Clear Color Shaker No Lid

This vintage item dates to the 1930's and was made by the Hazel Atlas glass company. This is the Royal Lace depression pattern in clear, it is the salt shaker with no lid. This measures 3-1/4" tall and is in excellent condition.…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch