1005 Results for For sale in Pawnee Rock Ks
all in mint condition. beautiful colors. hard to come by in this pattern and shape. these 3 pieces display nicely. candle sticks are valued right around 450.00 to 500.00. not a selling point just fact. thanks for looking.…
1 month ago on ebay.comRegistered blue pitbull, had 12 wks obiedence training...he knows commands..weighs 102lbs is comfortable outside or inside.... Has chip in him...Great dog,not aggressive. Will take best offer.
1 month ago on Classified AdsThese are in excellent physical and operational condition. They were removed from service in the oilfield in March, 2017. They will be shipped exactly as shown. Some have the words “Putnam ROC” written in Sharpi…
1 month ago on ebay.comSecluded cabin lodging is included with this offer. This is a down payment booking on a terrific hunt opportunity this season. Cedarhollowranch dot com for further details. This hunt is in Kansas unit #5.
1 month ago on ebay.comHavent played in years so deciding to sell my flute. Keys may need tuned/tightened but I'm not knowledgeable in that. Works great. Cleaning wand may need replaced. Old. Comes with music stand (30$ value) Marching ba…
1 month ago on ebay.com58-1/2" wide/long37" high24" deepall keys operable - no sticky keysmedium oak wood colormatching storage bench
1 month ago on ebay.comOffered is a handcrafted end table made completely from recycled material. This table was made using antique wrenches and tools that were salvaged from estate auctions. Table top has a custom made 1/4" thick plate g…
1 month ago on ebay.comNice survey meter, GSM-500. Auto-ranging for both CPM and Dose rate. Speaker works and all other functions work. Has a Wm. B Johnson pancake probe that detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X-Ray radiation. My pictures don…
1 month ago on ebay.com