568 Results for For sale in Mcgregor Mn
Nikon F photomic w/ 50mm f2. What needs to be said about the Nikon F? The camera that made 35 SLR photography professional. A castiron work horse. Every camera collector should have one of these iconic cameras. Glas…
1 month ago on ebay.comLithinia Lighting. Lithonia (Downlighting Products Division) 12" Recessed Square This is set up for 120 Volts with the supply wires. Lamp type M90 100 Watts 1.15 Amps This can be changed to 277 Volt set-up. This als…
1 month ago on ebay.comBoth of these SpongeBob Squarepants posters are in very good condition for their age. Both have never been hung before. As most of us know, even a brand-new poster fresh off the press will have issues. I collect pos…
1 month ago on ebay.comThe Esco Lite is in very good condition for about 25 years old. It’s the StreeterAmet Series. The Esco StreeterAmet light is a division of Mangood Co. It has a nice long 12 foot cord to hook up to a 12 Volt Car/Tr…
1 month ago on ebay.comThis pulley is in very good condition for its age. Has the star logo on the side. There are no cracks in the wood and the pulley part still rolls fairly smoothly. It obviously has considerable rust on the iron. The full length of the unit is 11.5 inches. The wood part is 5 inches in length by 3 5/8”.…
1 month ago on ebay.comAuto Sears f1.4 50mm lens in M42 screw mount. FAST. This manual focus screw mount lens is in excellent shape. No dings, dents, or scratches. Glass is clear w/o scratches, mold, haze or dust. A very sharp lens.
1 month ago on ebay.comThis Kenmore Fan/Heater works very good. There is rust hear and there. Mostly on the top. There is also some red paint in a few areas. The paint most likely can be removed. The Model # is: 124.7207. On the side, whe…
1 month ago on ebay.comThis Bud tin sign is in very good condition. There are only a few very small marks here and there. On the beveled edge around the sidn there is a few small creases (bumps). Has 4 holes for mounting. It measures 39 inches in length and is 11.5 inches in height. Thanks for looking.…
1 month ago on ebay.com