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646 Results for For sale in Lincoln Ks

1947 Caterpillar D6 Diesel Tractor Manual

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
International Harvester Grain Drill 510 Drive Chain Tighter Bracket Left Side

This is a new bracket for the left side(When standing behind the drill.). It is the bracket used to tighten the chain that runs off of the wheel hub, and drives the left half of the drill. Please ask questions prior…

1 month ago on
1937 Minneapolis Moline Kombination Tractor Parts List Manual

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
Good Old Pair Wiss Sewing Scissors 9

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
10 IOOF Oddfellows Grand Lodge of Nebraska 1930's Sessions Books

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
IOOF Oddfellows  1930 Journal of Proceedings Grand Lodge Indianapolis Indiana

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
2 Old Servel Electrolux Matchbook Covers Dan Brumbaugh Portis Kansas

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
Old Matchbook Cover McCammon Ferguson Tractor Implement Osborne  Kansas

I sell everything as found, described and pictured.----WILL SHIP OVERSEAS--EMAIL FOR SHIPPING COST-- email any questions about shipping or payment. ----shipping weight # -Shipping cost normally includes delivery con…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch