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5067 Results for For sale in Jacksonville Tx

Antique English Oak BARLEY TWIST OVAL Jacobean Dining Farmhouse Table w/Leaf

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE GORGEOUS English Oak BARLEY TWIST Jacobean Style OVAL Dining Table with Leaf~~Use as a Library/Office Conference Table or Desk~~ ~~This table has "the look"~~bea…

1 month ago on
Antique French Neo-GOTHIC Oak Marriage Chest Coffer Blanket Box Bench FREE SHIP

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique French Neo-Gothic LARGE Highly Carved Oak Marriage Chest, Blanket Box, Coffer, Trunk or Chest~~Figural Pan and Mythical Beast Accents~~c. 1900-1930s~~ Ex…

1 month ago on
Log Loader Grapple

Continuous rotation log grapple used it on my Barko 225 while mine was being rebuilt. Call or text for any questions 9362500940

1 month ago on
Antique French Country Oak Vaisselier Plate Dresser Buffet Sideboard Cabinet

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE LARGE Antique French Country Oak VAISSELIER, Plate Dresser, Sideboard, Hutch or Buffet~~~c. 1860s These large buffets, commonly known as "vaisseliers" were a nec…

1 month ago on
Antique French Baker's Table Panetiere Pastry Dough Trough Sofa Table Planter

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique French Country "Panetiere" Baker's Table Petrin Pastry or Bread Dough Trough~~c. 1880s ~~"Panetiere" (French) means cupboard for keeping bread (from the …

1 month ago on
Antique French Walnut Rococo Mirror Wardrobe Armoire Cabinet Clothes Closet

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Stunning Antique French Oak and Walnut Rococo Revival MIRRORED Wardrobe, Armoire, Clothes or Linen Closet/Cabinet~~c. 1920s ~~Highly sought after French Country …

1 month ago on
Antique English Oak Tudor Jacobean Farmhouse Plate Dresser Buffet Sideboard WIDE

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE LARGE Antique English Oak Jacobean or Tudor Style Farmhouse or Kitchen Cottage Welsh Plate Dresser, Sideboard, Hutch or Buffet~~~c. early-mid 1800s These large b…

1 month ago on
Knoll Saarinen Authentic Tulip Table +4 Chairs Dining Set Mid Century Modern

This is a very nice authentic Knoll dining set designed by Eero Saarinen in 1957. This set is date stamped 1980 and is in good original condition. I would not hesitate to use the set as is, but there are signs of we…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch