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22671 Results for For sale in Dale Wi

Sullair TS32 400 hp. Rotary Screw air compressor Variable capacity,warranty

Midwest Air Compressor We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 I have these two units . Pictures are of the units befor…

1 month ago on
Sullair TS32 400 hp. Rotary Screw air compressor YR. 2002,Vari capac,warranty

Midwest Air Compressor We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 You are looking at A Stock photo of A Sullair Two Stage …

1 month ago on
Sullair TS32 400 hp. Rotary Screw air compressor Variable capacity,warranty AC

We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 Pictures are of the units before removing from service. You are looking at A Su…

1 month ago on
Ingersoll Rand R225NE  300 hp. VSD Rotary Screw Air compressor warranty Yr. 2013

We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 You are looking at A Ingersoll-Rand rotary screw air compressor Picture is just…

1 month ago on
Ingersoll Rand 450hp. two stage 120 psi Rotary Screw Air compressor warranty

We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 You are looking at A stock photo of A Ingersoll-Rand rotary screw air compresso…

1 month ago on
Ingersoll Rand 400hp. two stage 125 psi Rotary Screw Air compressor warranty

We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 You are looking at A stock photo of A Ingersoll-Rand rotary screw air compresso…

1 month ago on
Sullair TS32 400 hp. Rotary Screw air compressor, variable capac,warranty

Midwest Air Compressor We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 You are looking at A Stock photo of A Sullair Two Stage …

1 month ago on
Sullair LS25S 350hp Rotary Screw Air comp, Variable Cap one year airend warranty

We are A full service air center, specialize in rebuilding complete units and air ends. We have fully stocked service trucks since 1982 ***** You are looking at Picture of A Sullair Air compressor this may not be th…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch