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696 Results for For sale in Cunningham Ks

6 Vintage Industrial Iron Metal Hydraulic Plates Lot Steampunk Altered Art

This lot of plates measure approx 4" across and the center hole is 1 5/8" across

1 month ago on
Vintage and Antique Cast Iron Spool, Rusty Iron Disc Spacer, Farm Plow Machinery

This is a spool off a disc it is a spacer between the disc it measures approx 7 1/4" long one end measures approx 3" across the other is 3 1/2" across center is 1" across

1 month ago on
Lot (x5) Antique Vintage Needle Books Bonita Sewing Susan Besmaid Superior

CONDITION Photos are considered a large part of item descriptions. We take great pains in providing bright, clear, detailed photos of our items. Make sure you look at all of the photos.Our photographs are the BEST I…

1 month ago on
Lot (7) Packs of Vintage Halloween Party Invitations 80s 90s

Nice lot of unused deadstock Halloween invitations. CONDITION Photos are considered a large part of item descriptions. We take great pains in providing bright, clear, detailed photos of our items. Make sure you look…

1 month ago on
Vtg 1964 Mattel Disneyland See 'N Say Disney Toy bambi mary poppins peter pan

As you can see, part of a label is missing. But otherwise the stickers on this are very very nice. She spins great, but doesnt "talk". Not sure why. In great condition. Can be cleaned up a little as well. CONDITION …

1 month ago on
Lot Vintage Plastic Hong Kong 40s 50s style college football player toy

CONDITION Photos are considered a large part of item descriptions. We take great pains in providing bright, clear, detailed photos of our items. Make sure you look at all of the photos.Our photographs are the BEST I…

1 month ago on
Vtg Medicine Lot Kindle Jel Baby powder Black Draught laxative

Appears none of them have been opened. CONDITION Photos are considered a large part of item descriptions. We take great pains in providing bright, clear, detailed photos of our items. Make sure you look at all of th…

1 month ago on
Vtg Durham Old Fashioned Collectors Miniatures No. 31 Piano & Telephone

The Piano is new in package the phone is out of package and used lightly The soda can is for reference in size and dose not go with the items

1 month ago on
Guard Patch