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1431 Results for For sale in Clarksville Ar

2015 Kuhn Hay Tedder, GF502THA 17'

2015 Kuhn Hay Tedder GF502THA, 4 Roto Tedder, 17 foot working width, 540 PTO, HYD Lift, Used 3 times.

1 month ago on
Two Jackson People Carrier Event Trailers

Need to haul people safely and attractively? Here is your option!We have two Jackson People Carriers/Trailers available. Great for public events, farm tours, or even retrofit them for a cool market display.They need…

1 month ago on
Firewater Easy Moon

Rowdy is needing a new home sadly. We purchased him back in September to be my daughters step up speed horse. Unfortunately he has been blown up on barrels before we got him. Would make an awesome all around using g…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Honda Goldwing 1500

1997  excellant condition, 54,000 miles. Deep green. Looks like new.

1 month ago on Classified Ads
Profoto B1 two light kit, extra battery, glass domes and grid. Free Shipping!

I can't recommend Profoto lights enough. I started out using standard flashes, but these will change your photography forever. This whole kit is in excellent condition. The batteries all hold a good charge and last …

1 month ago on
Jupiter JTU1100MS Silver Marching BBb Tuba Contra Excellent Cond. No dents

This Jupiter JTU1100MS BBb marching tuba is in like new condition. This horn was bought new two years ago and was an extra that was not used at all. The silver finish is in perfect condition with now blemishes or de…

1 month ago on
Registered Buckskin Mare

Merlins Tyree aka Miss Kitty as lots of trail riding experience and has also been started on playday events. She has done barrels poles stakes speed and keyhole but flags is her strong event. Has lots of speed. Woul…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Janssen piano  from 1907 to 1908

This Janssen church piano is from 1907 to a 1908. It was made for a church in a small town called Edna back in some where between 1907 to 1908 out by Horsehead Lake in Clarksville Arkansas. It has been very well tak…

1 month ago on
Guard Patch