1349 Results for Grease for sale in Clifton Nj - Classifieds
, Grease Traps, Refrigerators, Freezers, Faucets, Seating, Griddles,Best Prices and Service . RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT * WALK IN BOXES * ALL SIZES * CUSTOMIZE TO SIZE ***** WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL WALK IN BOXES - GIVE US A CALL TODAY
1 month ago on ebay.com, Ranges, Ovens, Grease Traps, Refrigerators, Freezers, Faucets, Seating, Griddles,Best Prices and Service .New and Used Restaurant Equipment and Walk In Boxes.BUY * SELLNEW * USED WALK IN BOXES ALL SIZE Commercial Heavy Duty
1 month ago on ebay.comNew and Used Restaurant Equipment and Walk In Boxes.BUY * SELLNEW * USED WALK IN BOXES ALL SIZE Commercial Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Food service Equipment: Sinks, Work Tables, Fryers, Ranges, Ovens, Grease Traps
1 month ago on ebay.comNew and Used Restaurant Equipment and Walk In Boxes.BUY * SELLNEW * USED WALK IN BOXES ALL SIZE Commercial Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Food service Equipment: Sinks, Work Tables, Fryers, Ranges, Ovens, Grease Traps
1 month ago on ebay.comNew and Used Restaurant Equipment and Walk In Boxes.BUY * SELLNEW * USED WALK IN BOXES ALL SIZE Commercial Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Food service Equipment: Sinks, Work Tables, Fryers, Ranges, Ovens, Grease Traps
1 month ago on ebay.comcooking grates. Stainless steel drip pan to catch grease and matter not consumed in fire. Stainless steel side shelves. Heavy Duty 8? wheels. Independently controlled burners allow you to create the style of cooking you desire
1 month ago on ebay.comhave to be cleaned as they have a good amount of grease on them. The duel had about $700 of work done on it shortly before taking out of service. Pitco fryer- this one was used for Arthur Treacher's fish and is wider and a
1 month ago on ebay.comA dancer's dress (no name tag) from the Beauty School Drop Out scene in the classic movie musical Grease (1978) The material is fragile and it shows its age. It has been stored in an archive box wrapped in acid free
1 month ago on ebay.com